By Andy Petersen September, 2015 for Truth4Americans
One need but to do an in-depth study of Planned Parenthood to fully comprehend just how totally corrupt the organization truly is.
Bribing hundreds of Senators and Congressmen and the President of the United States with “political donations” and other favors, with millions of dollars over the past few years with American taxpayers dollars is but a start. The actual count is 100 Democrat Congressmen and 22 Democratic Senators in the 2012 election cycle, and 82 Democratic congressmen and 17 Democratic Senators in the 2014 election cycle. (And, of course many thousands to our President.)
In addition to the millions of dollars spent directly to democratic candidates in the past few years, PP spent an additional $1,634,162 lobbying these same congressmen and Senators in 2014 alone. They will probably far exceed that amount in 2015.
And, in addition to the millions to bribe politicians and lobby them, according to the annual Reports, Planned Parenthood donated another $3,400,714 to Democratic organizations.
Planned Parenthood committing a federal crime by trafficking in baby body parts is simply another way of doing a profitable business.
PP called it “reimbursement of expenses” when they charged the client for a baby liver or other body part.
When it was proven that Planned Parenthood had been committing a federal crime over many years, the president of PP simply apologized and said that they are going to change their policy.
The Democratic administration under Obama and his Justice Department would never bring any charges against the organization. They have been very well paid not to.
Planned Parenthood and its affiliates have spent millions in recent years on “blowout” parties, first class travel and “lucrative” salaries. Planned Parenthood spent over $5.1 million on travel in 2013, or nearly $14,000 a day.
The above is only a small sample of the total corruption of Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood attack used to target Colorado Republicans in tight races
DENVER – If you were asked to list critics of Planned Parenthood, Rep. Mike Coffman wouldn’t likely be the first Colorado Republican whose name leaps to mind, given that the congressional delegation includes adamantly pro-life Reps. Ken Buck and Doug Lamborn.
On the other hand, their seats are safe. Mr. Coffman’s isn’t. That may explain why Planned Parenthood supporters zeroed in on Mr. Coffman at a Tuesday press conference here aimed at blaming Republican “lies” for “creating the toxic environment that resulted in Friday’s mass shooting.” ------------
The Faith & Freedom Coalition, a conservative nonprofit group, has filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood, Colorado State University, and a prominent fetal tissue supplier that seeks to force the return of state tax dollars that were used by the college to obtain aborted baby tissue for research.
Nick McIntyre, the executive director of the Faith & Freedom Coalition of Colorado, told The Christian Post on Monday that his organization obtained records from the university through the Colorado Open Records Act that indicate the school paid thousands of tax dollars to obtain aborted baby tissue from the Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains and Advanced Bioscience Resources, a California-based company that procures aborted baby tissue for research institutions.
Although Colorado law forbids tax dollars from being used to fund abortions, public records show that the state school paid Planned Parenthood as much as $160 per specimen and paid ABR nearly $97,000 from 2010 to 2015 for aborted baby tissue.
According to Article V, Section 50 of Colorado's constitution, "No public funds shall be used by the State of Colorado, its agencies or political subdivisions to pay or otherwise reimburse, either directly or indirectly, any person, agency or facility for the performance of any induced abortion."

Planned Parenthood’s 59 affiliates and 700 health centers incurred $1.18 billion worth of expenses and performed 327,653 abortion procedures last year, according to the group’s 2013-2014 fiscal year annual report.
The controversial group that provides contraceptives and abortions to hundreds of Americans, including minors, released that 65 percent of its expenses, or $769.1 million, went toward medical services. Medical services, as Planned Parenthood says, is 42 percent -------
Planned Parenthood Had $127M Surplus But Won't Accept Cut in Federal Funding
( – At a hearing on Planned Parenthood funding in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Tuesday, Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) pointed out to Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards that the organization’s most recent tax report shows $127 million dollars of revenue in excess of expenses.
Mulvaney asked Richards whether taking away just the $60 million in discretionary funding appropriated by Congress of the more than $450 million in federal funding that the Congressional Budget Office estimates Planned Parenthood gets each year. ------------
Planned Parenthood Spending Millions Of Dollars Of It's Budget On Travel, Parties And Big Salaries Is A Disgrace!
Planned Parenthood and its affiliates have spent millions in recent years on “blowout” parties, first-class travel and “lucrative” salaries
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, publicly accused the organization of spending a big chunk of its budget on non-health care expenses
Planned Parenthood spent over $5.1 million on travel in 2013, or nearly $14,000 a day
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, publicly accused the organization of spending a big chunk of its budget on non-health care expenses during a heated hearing on Tuesday. But on the sidelines of that hearing, he released a report detailing those costs.
In doing so, he and other Republicans continued to question whether Planned Parenthood needs all the taxpayer funding it receives.
Planned Parenthood and it’s subsidiaries spent $1,634,162 taxpayer dollars for lobbying in 2014
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $1,634,162
Subtotal for Parent Planned Parenthood: $1,023,444
Subtotal for Subsidiary Intl Planned Parenthood Federation: $320,000
Subtotal for Subsidiary Planned Parenthood Action Fund: $170,718
Subtotal for Subsidiary Planned Parenthood of California: $120,000 -------
Here are the facts on Planned Parenthood – how America’s largest abortion corporation views sex education, and how to treat our children.
Keep in mind that this list is not even close to comprehensive. Expect updates.
1. Planned Parenthood has a public video promoting BDSM to anyone, including young children. There is now an “18 and older” text disclaim -----------------
Planned Parenthood Received $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over Three Years, Gov't Report Finds
Planned Parenthood sets new record for abortion numbers, profit: report
FRONT ROYAL, VA, January 7, 2013 ( - Planned Parenthood achieved record numbers of abortions and posted record profit levels in the 2011-2012 fiscal year, according to a report from the Planned Parenthood watchdog organization Life Decisions International (LDI).
“For decades now, Planned Parenthood has operated the most proficient killing machine in the United States,” said Douglas R. Scott, Jr., president of LDI, in a press release. “And the machine has set yet another record.”
The report notes that in 2011-2012 PPFA “slaughtered a record 333,964 preborn children, generating an estimated $150 million,” and that overall nearly $1.2 billion in revenue was generated. ------------------
Planned Parenthood Got $540.6 Million in Government Grants in FY 2013
( – Planned Parenthood’s net revenue increased 5% to total of $1.21 billion in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013, and about 45% of that revenue--$540.6 million--was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants.
In the same report, Planned Parenthood said that in the year that ended on Sept. 30, 2012 it did 327,166 abortions.
Clinics in Iowa, Arkansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Montana and New Hampshire also received $655,192 in grants from the Department of Health and Human Services to serve as Obamacare “navigators,” as -----
Ex-clinic Director: Each Abortion Made Planned Parenthood $313.29
A former Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director in Texas says her clinic projected a $313.29 profit per abortion and that she was told her office needed to perform 1,135 procedures per year to reach its budget goals.
In a new video posted courtesy of the pro-life website, Abby Johnson, who ran a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas, before leaving in 2009, provided a copy of the Facility Budget for the clinic for fiscal year 2010. The video circles the projected figure 1,135, which is listed alongside the item "Income — Self-Pay (Surgical)."----------------------
Planned Parenthood Shows $¾ Billion of Excess of Revenue
Over Past Decade
As debate over the relative capacity of Planned Parenthood clinics and federally qualified health
centers has emerged, one element of the argument has focused on funds that may be available to
the former to replace certain government grants and reimbursements. CLI examined nine
consecutive years of annual reports for the organization and the available information there on
“excess of revenue over expenses” is shown below. While consistent details on certain
financials in these documents are absent, particularly prior to 2008, the annual reports provide a
glimpse of the general pattern of net income for the organization over nearly a full decade --------------
Top 12 Reasons to Defund Planned Parenthood Now
1. President Obama and Senate Democrats are willing to shut down the federal government to ensure tax dollars keep flowing to one of their biggest political allies. Both times President Obama ran for president, Planned Parenthood Action Fund was quick to endorse him as a “champion for women’s health.” The 2012 election cycle marks only the third time in their history that they endorsed in a presidential election.[i] They poured money into his campaign and churned out volunteers. Imagine the reaction if a Republican president was willing to shut down the government in order to prevent a single organization from sharing one penny in the belt-tightening all Americans are facing.
2. Planned Parenthood is an independently wealthy entity. According to its latest annual report, it has over one billion dollars in net assets.[ii] In 2014 alone, data shows that Planned Parenthood’s revenue has exceeded their expenses by over $90 million.[iii]
3. Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider. “Roughly one out of every four abortions in America” is carried out in a Planned Parenthood facility. [iv] Data shows that since 1970, Planned Parenthoo ----------
Planned Parenthood’s annual report shows abortion pays
Just in time for the holidays – when more Americans than usual are ignoring the news – Planned Parenthood (PP) released its annual report for 2012. The document is a mishmash of evasion, triumphalism, and strategic omissions. Starting out, the report is curiously more open about abortion than PP usually is. The same organization that tried to abandon “pro-choice” and downplay the procedure’s financial importance is now touting its advocacy “for policies that provide access to safe and legal abortion[.]” This could signal yet another pivot in the corporation’s advertising strategy – like the more zealous ------------------
Planned Parenthood Votes "527" Political Organization Contributions, Expenses, & Filing Information
Alan Kaye Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Alida R Messinger New York, NY 10112
Information Requested/Information Requested
Many pages ----

Planned Parenthood: Salaries Up, Cancer Screenings Down
It’s far from clear to me that focusing on Planned Parenthood’s finances, as House Oversight Committee chairman Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah) chose to do at Tuesday’s hearing, was the best course. But a report released by Chaffetz to accompany the hearing does raise obvious questions about why Planned Parenthood needs $500-plus million from taxpayers to operate. A few highlights, all taken from Planned Parenthood’s annual reports and tax returns . . . Extravagant compensation packages: From 2009 to 2013,
Planned Parenthood and its related organizations paid President Cecile Richards more than $2.47 million, 10 which includes $590,928 for 2013.
Planned Parenthood reports that over 40 of its executives earned salaries of $200,000 or more over the years 2009 to 2013.
They include: $459,827: employee at affiliate for Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
$439,107: employee at Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic.
$398,779: employee at Planne ---------

Planned Parenthood sues to stop funding cuts in Louisiana
Planned Parenthood asked a federal court on Tuesday to block Louisiana's efforts to defund its clinics in the state in reaction to the release of secretly recorded videos about how the group handles the tissue of aborted fetuses.
Louisiana was the first of three Southern states to announce plans to end its contract with the reproductive health organization to provide medical services to low-income residents. Alabama and Arkansas have taken similar steps.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination, cited the release of videos this summer by a national anti-abortion group, the Center --------

'If videos heavily edited, why did Planned Parenthood apologize?'
Lawmakers put abortion-provider chief under microscope
WASHINGTON – Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, had a simple question for Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards in his opening statement at a congressional hearing into federal funding for the abortion provider Tuesday morning.
If the controversial undercover videos exposing the apparent dismemberment and selling of baby parts by her organization were heavily edited, as she claimed, why did she apologize for the videos just two days after they surfaced?
He never got the answer he was looking for.
"Everyone knows these videos are, as the speaker of the House said, barbaric and repulsive," Jordan had said in his opening statement at the hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
Jordan's questioning of Richards turned into a cat-and-mouse game, as he tried to get her to concede that she had already apologized

Planned Parenthood Spends Millions to ‘Refresh’ Its Brand, but It’s Still the Same Taxpayer-Funded Big Abortion Business
Taken with a hearty grain of salt, remembering that Planned Parenthood is the source of the data it released, here are five things that can be gleaned from its most recent annual report, released Wednesday. 1. Abortion remains a central component of Planned Parenthood’s business. From October 1, 2011, to September 30, 2012 (Planned Parenthood’s “service” year), Planned Parenthood affiliates performed 327,166 abortions – that averages almost 900 abortions each and every day. In terms of time, money, and unduplicated patients, abortion is substantially more important to Planned Parenthood than the “3 percent of services” line it routinely tries to sell. Relying on Planned Parenthood’s estimate that its clinics “saw approximately three million patients,” abortion was the “service” Planned Parenthood provided for roughly 11 percent of its
Read more at: -----------
Planned Parenthood's bloody business
(National Review) — A lot of people want liver.” So says Planned Parenthood’s director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, between bites of what one must assume are fava beans and sips of a nice Chianti, Dr. Nucatola doing a fair impersonation of Dr. Lecter. She did not know she was being recorded, and that the tissue-procurement firm with which she thought she was doing business was an undercover investigator from the Center for Medical Progress.
The abridged version is horrifying, and the full footage is not exculpatory.
Trafficking in fetal body parts is a federal crime, and of course Planned Parenthood denies that it is involved in any such thing. A spokesman for the organization, Eric Ferrero, says that Planned Parenthood doesn’t sell pieces of dismembered children for profit, but instead is “reimbursed” for them. This is true in the sense that the women who work at escort services are paid for th