
Tuesday, January 5, 2016


By Randy Petersen - for   December, 2015


Every indication is that Obama seems to side with the radical Muslims, such as the Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Hamas, al-Qaida, and others.  One has to wonder why?

Paul Sperry recently published an article in Investors Business Daily, Investors .com, entitled
Can America Survive Obama's Pro-Muslim Bias?” (Sperry is formerly IBD’s Washington bureau chief, and has authored Infiltration and Muslim Mafia.)


Sperry listed 21 reasons where Obama appears to have betrayed his country and sided with radical Muslims against America.  All of these points are well made and very grave. This is must-read for those that seek the truth about the Obama Presidency.
Link to story:   

Sperry addresses the most serious of Obama’s actions to assist our enemies and hurt America, as well as many other countries and why he seems to side with radical Muslin groups and/or countries, including the Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS Iran, and other Muslim groups and countries.

Let’s consider a few key points:

Why would an American President go against Congress and the American people, to trade FIVE top Taliban generals for one army deserter and most likely a traitor?  Bowe Bergdahl now faces charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy by the U.S. Army.  Why make such an unbalanced and preposterous trade unless it was to help the Taliban?    Obama had access to all of the same army files, which have allowed the army to charge Bergdahl with desertion.  Any mildly informed American knew that the FIVE generals would rejoin the fight to kill Americans and others.  Yet, Obama circumvented Congress and the will of the American people, and violated federal law.  Are these the actions of a President wanting to protect or betray his own people and his country?  Why else would he intentionally disgrace the Army and the Presidency?

Why would an American President go against Congress and the American people, to release all of the insidious, murdering prisoners from Guantanamo Bay military prison, or bring them to America? Here, rather than being treated as prisoners of war, they would be afforded the rights enjoyed by American citizens, including habeas corpus in civilian courts, knowing that their cases probably would not stand up in trial.  In an article in the Weekly Standard, December 28, 2015, titled “Lying About Gitmo” Stephen Hayes, outlines in detail the 653 individuals that were held in Gitmo and released to date.  Of those, it has been determined that 196 have returned to battle to kill Americans and others.  He also exposes the fact that the President of the Unites has lied over and over about Gitmo.
Apparently, Obama will do everything possible to free the remaining prisoners held at Guantanamo.
What for, if not as another great way to assist the Taliban?

Why would an American President go against Congress and the American people to make a deal with Iran, America’s avowed enemy? He actually gave them nuclear bomb capabilities with America’s blessing, and over $150 billion to help pay for their reign of terror against America, Israel, and other countries. He went on to lift all of the sanctions placed against them for their evil actions before Iran even agreed to the deal.  What did America gain from this deal?  All of this was done over a couple of years in secret meetings kept from Congress and the American people.  Why would he do any of this if not to assist the enemies of America and Israel?

Why would an American President go against Congress and the American people to allow from 10,000 to 100,000 Syrian refugees to come to the U.S.?  Since they cannot be vetted and ISIS has probably infiltrated their ranks?  Obama must know that there will be those among the refugees that will be radical ISIS and will plot against and successful killing Americans.  What is to be gained for America by this?
The above are only a few of the extreme actions that demonstrate Barack Husein Obama’s disloyalty to America in violation of his Oath of office, and treasonous action in siding with and assisting radical Muslim groups.

The 21 points that Paul Sperry makes in his article are a true indictment of Barack Obama, his presidency, and his party supporters.

READ THE FULL STORY:  Can the Country survive Obama’s Pro-Muslim Bias?
Investors Business Daily, Investors .com

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