
Monday, January 4, 2016

By Randy Petersen - for   December, 2015


A new book soon to be released, “The Worst President In History – The Legacy of Barack Obama,” convincingly makes that assertion with over 200 detailed and referenced reasons.  There have been over 150 books written revealing much of the real truth about Barack Obama--his upbringing, his background, his dubious associates, and why he thinks and acts the way he does, etc.--but few will read those books.

With so little of these facts being raised by the media, we are left to assume that the days of investigative reporting and responsible journalism are behind us.  Therefore, the American people really know very little about our 44th President, the real Barack Obama, and his compatriots.  The mainstream press will never disclose these facts.  Few know that Obama was raised, taught by and associated all of his life, with radicals, socialists and communists who have shaped his character, his thoughts and his actions.   

After seven years as our president, we can see disturbing evidence about the true character of Barack Husein Obama.   All indications is that Barack Obama could, in fact, be the Worst President In History”.  
Consider the issues and the supporting references below:

The preponderance of evidence suggests that if ever a president of the United States deserved to be impeached by Congress and the American people, it is Barack Obama.   The list of reasons are numerous and growing every day.

The most divisive president in the past 100 years.   Rather than uniting Americans, no President in the last 100 years has divided the nation like Barack Obama.  He and his administration have intentionally and systematically attempted to divide the American people by race, gender, politics, religion and income.  Obama and his campaign people used race and lies to get him elected and he and his people have continue to use race to divide America during his tenure as president.

The most deceitful president ever.   Instead of the transparent administration he promised, Barack Obama has lied repeatedly to the American people and gotten away with it.   It is very easy to review speeches that Obama has given, both while campaigning and over the past seven years, and determine how many times that he either lied outright, told half-truths and/or distorted the real truth.  Obamacare is a prime example of his deceitfulness and the mainstream press never calls him out on his lies, even when they are obvious.

Disregard for the Constitution.    Instead of upholding and defending the constitution, which is the oath of the Presidency, no president has ever shown such total disregard for the Constitution of the United States like Barack Obama.  Consider how many times the American people had to go to court to stop Obama from circumventing the Constitution?  How many times have the American Courts ruled against Obama for his unlawful acts against America and the American people?

Total refusal to work with the opposite party in the Congress and Senate.  Instead of working with the opposition to actually get things done in Washington, Obama went into the office of the President of the United States with no intention of ever working with the Republican Party.  His party controlled both houses and he didn’t need to, but even when the American people repudiated Obama and elected Republicans to control the Congress and Senate, Obama continued to refuse to work with the conservative party at any time during his term as president, if the Congress did not agree with him 100%.  Sadly, concerning almost every action Obama has taken, only the most radical Democrats could agree. Obama’s attitude has always been, “my way or no way”.

Instead of recognizing the will of the people, Obama has deliberately and blatantly gone against
the desire of the American people and the rule of law.   Barack Obama has disregarded the will of the American people repeatedly, knowing that his actions would hurt America and the American people.  When the American people elected decidedly more conservative Congressmen and Senators in 2014 to show their dismay in the actions of the President and the liberal democrats - Obama did not blink nor take a step back.  He does not recognize the desires of the American people where it goes against his radical left wing philosophy.  He firmly believes that his socialist and radical agenda should prevail over the will of the American people.  The American people are just too stupid to understand.  The end justifies the means.

The most secretive administration ever.   Again, when campaigning, part of Obama’s campaign rhetoric was that his administration “would be the most transparent ever.”  Another major lie to America.  The Obama administration has been the most manipulative and secretive on record.  Much of the secretive nature of Obama and his administration is based on scandal after scandal, in order to protect himself and members of his administration from being caught in their impropriety and scandals.

National Debt.  When Obama took the oath of office, the National Debt was $10,626 trillion.  Upon leaving office in 2016, the national debt will be over 20 trillion dollars.
While campaigning, on July 3, 2008 -- the day before Independence Day -- Barack Obama said that adding $4 trillion in debt was irresponsible and "unpatriotic.
In his own words, he said,       “The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents - #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child.     That's irresponsible.    It's unpatriotic.
    Since Obama doubled the national debt by adding $10 Trillion during his 8 years - what does that make him?

Obama could be America’s first radically Socialist president.   While there is much controversy around whether Barack Obama could truly be America’s first radical socialist president, it perhaps depends upon the definition of Socialist.  If socialism includes the control of industry by government and the control of the individual by the Government, then Obama fits the bill completely.
It appears that Obama could be the first president in the history of America that did everything possible to turn America into a socialist country.  While his supporters will attempt in every way possible to say that Obama is not a socialist, Obama is certainly to the left of Bernie Sanders, who proudly claims that he is a Socialist.  Obama’s close associates and mentors over the years have been socialists, communists and radicals.
Merriam-Webste defines socialism in part as - : a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies  and  "any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods."

Or, in other words, as much government control over the people as possible.
Socialism, according to Karl Marx, “is the transition between capitalism and communism”. To achieve communism, Marx says, “there must be continuing revolution in which the fundamental principal is: The end justifies the means.”  Obama and his supporters within his administration have clearly employed this philosophy.
One needs to read Obama’s guidebook – “Rules For Radicals” by Saul Alinski to grasp Obamas actions.

Obama is certainly a “Progressive”, as the press now defines the word.  “Progressive” now means any radical left-wing person or cause.  The term “Progressive” means change or reform.  Liberal Progressives use such terms as “income inequality” which appeals to all who want the government to give them more, which, sadly, is now more than 50% of the American population.   The term now includes Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists, Unions, and any radical left group or cause that desires to remake America into a Socialist or communist country.  The press often uses the term, “Progressive Agenda”.   The “Progressive” strongly believes in big government and more control over the people and that a socialist or communist country would be best for the people.  As illustrated over the past few years, the “Progressive” will do anything, tell any lie, and commit any deceit, as long as it serves the overall purpose and goals.  The end justifies the means.  Examples of such well-known “Progressives” in addition to Obama would be Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio, Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York, Bernie Sanders, and many, many others.

Obamas Scandals and Controversies -  The scandals and controversies surrounding Obama and his administration just keep going on and on and never seem to stop.  How many of our government offices have had scandals under Obama, and how many has Obama ignored or tried to cover up?
Benghazi,  IRS,  Fast and Furious,  Department of Justice and the Associated Press Phone Records,  Keystone pipeline,  illegal immigrants, Obamacare,  Trade of 5 Taliban Generals for the deserter Bergdahl, Veteran’s Administration,  Eric Holder and the Department of Justice,  CIA, State Department,  The General Services Administration,  Solyndra,  Government appointments when Congress was in recess to circumvent the law, Deal with Iran, freeing over 600 enemy combatants from Gitmo to rejoin the fight and kill Americans, and on and on.

The most dishonest and treacherous president ever.  When America needs a leader to relieve joblessness,  the national debt, and to lead our allies abroad against foreign enemies, Barack Obama, with his illegal actions, cover-ups, numerous  scandals of his administration, and constant lies, has proven to be the most dishonest, distrustful, and the most treacherous president in American history.  His actions during his presidency illustrate repeatedly that he intends to do as much damage to America and the American people as he possibly can.  He is well on his way.  The damage that Obama has done to America and the American people and to the world can never be totally undone.  Any new administration can only attempt to undo some of the damage created by Barack Obama.


Why would an American President go against Congress and the American people, to trade FIVE top Taliban generals for one lowlife Army deserter and most likely a traitor, unless it was to help the Taliban?  Obama knew that Bergdahl was a deserter and probably a traitor, because he had access to all of the Army files. The files allowed the Army to charge Bergdahl with dissertation and Obama knew that the FIVE generals would rejoin the fight to kill Americans and others.  Obama did this against the desire of Congress and the American people, and against federal law.  Is this the action of a President wanting to betray his own people and his country?  Why would he intentionally disgrace the Army and the Presidency?

Why would an American President go against Congress and the American people, to release all of the insidious murdering prisoners from Guantanamo Bay military prison, or bring them to American prisons where they enjoy full rights including habeas corpus in civilian courts, knowing that their cases probably would not stand up in U.S. courts?   In an article in the Weekly Standard, December 28, 2015, titled “Lying About Gitmo” Stephen Hayes, outlines in detail the 653 individuals that were held in Gitmo and released to date.  Of those, it has been determined that 196 have returned to battle to kill Americans and others.  He also exposes the fact that the President of the Unites has lied repeatedly about Gitmo.
Obama will do everything possible to free the remaining prisoners held at Guantanamo.
Another great way for Obama to assist the Taliban?

Why would an American President go against Congress and the American people to make a deal with Iran, America’s avowed enemy, to actually give them the nuclear bomb capabilities with America’s blessing, and over $150 billion to pay for their reign of terror against America, Israel, and other countries, and lift all of the sanctions placed against them for their evil actions without Iran even agreeing to the deal.  This was one of the best ways that Obama could assist the enemies of America and Israel.

Why would an American President go against Congress and the American people to allow from 10,000 to 100,000 Syrian refugees to come to the U.S., knowing that they cannot be vetted and that ISIS has surely infiltrated their ranks?  Obama knows that there will be those among the refugees that will be radical ISIS and will plot and successful in kill Americans.  


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